Dear Writer, You're Doing It Wrong

Happy Release Day


Becca Syme!

Struggling with why your writing career isn’t what you expected?

Check out

Dear Writer, You’re Doing It Wrong

I know what you're hoping...

You've got goals and hopes that have pushed you this far in your writing career. It might be "to make a full-time living" or it might be "to get my books in the hands of readers", but whichever side of that continuum you fall into, there's something worthwhile about this pursuit for you.

But it's not happening the way you thought. And you're not quite sure why. You're pretty sure there's something wrong with you, or you're doing something you shouldn't be doing. You might have tried some of the things "everyone" says to try and it's just not happening the way they promised it would.


You're wondering why you're not actualizing your goals or hopes the way you thought you would. Well, I can tell you why, because I have coached thousands of writers. Six- and seven-figure authors, major award winners, midlisters, and new authors... all across the spectrum of success, method, and personality. 

The good news is, there are patterns to the way our brains think, and you are both refreshingly unique and also thankfully just like other people in a way that makes your thoughts and fears very normal. We want to dig into those and figure out what's not working for you and why.

In other words, you're in the right place. Join me inside these pages to figure out what you're doing wrong, and how to fix it.

We all know that I love Becca. Her classes and coaching are a huge part of the reason I’m working as an editor today. I’ve learned so much working on her QuitBooks for Writers.

Dear Writer, You Need To Quit focused on what writers need to let go of that is impacting their career as well as their writing process.

Dear Writer, You’re Doing It Wrong directly address all of the “THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO SUCESS. YOU MUST DO IT THIS WAY!” messages writers are bombarded with at every step of the journey.

Messages like:

“You must write everyday!”

“You must have a massive social media presence!”

“You must publish 34 books a year!”

This book QTPs (Question The Premise- Becca’s specialty) all those myths and offers actionable strategies for finding your own definition of success. Written in Becca’s conversational, straightforward style, she delivers the Bad News with a promise of hope and the Good News with steps to carry you toward your goals.

While I recommend Dear Writer, Are You In Burnout to anyone experiencing the crushing overwhelm of struggling in any career or lifestyle (not just writers). Dear Writer, You’re Doing It Wrong is aimed specially for those trying to make it in the world of books and publishing.

If this book resonates with you, I highly recommend checking out Becca’s Podcast, The QuitCast.