Story Consultation


 Whatever you need to move forward with your story!

My goal is always to provide you with the tools to conquer your next step.

If all you have is an idea, we'll figure out how to make your characters fall in love, save the world, or hide the body.*
* Fictional bodies only, of course! 

If your story has stalled and you can't see your next scene, we'll give it a kickstart and lay out a plan.

Within 24 hours of our session, you will receive an email summary of the discussion for your reference. 

A Few Things You Should Know:

  • You will not hurt my feelings. This is your story, not mine. If I throw out an idea that doesn't click with you, we push it aside and move on.

  • I strive to be introvert-friendly. I realize the idea of talking to someone for an hour or more can be intimidating. Messaging is always an option if that makes you more comfortable.

  • Sadly, I cannot guarantee my coaching and/or edits will garner you an agent, publication, fortune, fame, or anything of the like. *sigh* I wish I could.

  • I will not disclose or publicly post any portion of your material or our conversations without prior written consent.

  • Story Consultation sessions are billed at $125 per call . Calls usually last 60-90 minutes.

  • All payments are made through PayPal.

Ready to talk? Click here!