Dawn's Favorite Things: HB90 Bootcamp

HB90 Bootcamp Planner by Sarra Cannon from HeartBreathings.com

HB90 Bootcamp Planner by Sarra Cannon from HeartBreathings.com

UPDATE: The next class starts JUNE 20th!

Happy Holidays!

I swear the next person who asks me, “Do you have all your shopping done?” is getting a candy cane straight to the throat.

No. I don’t have all my shopping done. Yes. Amazon is my new best friend. Drink your peppermint latte and keep that smug smile to yourself.

My mom was one of those people who bought Christmas presents all year and was proudly finished by Thanksgiving. She would also forget where she hid them and randomly show up with something four months later that she found tucked in the back of her closet. “Here. Merry Christmas…in April.”

Sadly, I did not inherit her Year-Round-Shopping gene. So, in case there are others like me who are scrambling for ideas, I thought I’d share a few posts this month about my favorite things. Just like Oprah, only you won’t find any of these tucked under your seat.

If you need ideas for the writer in your life, please check out these ten suggestions.

You will notice the first thing on that list is Planners. I love planners. I currently have three that I actively use.

I have a Happy Planner for family life and personal obligations. I have a basic Mead Student Planner that I use to keep track of client work, and I have the HB90 Planner pictured above.

That’s the one that changed everything for me this year.

I met Sarra Cannon during RWA at a planner meet-up (yes, that’s a thing.) After drooling over her planner, I was thrilled to find out she would be offering a course on establishing and accomplishing your goals for the last quarter of 2018. HB90 Bootcamp.

HB for HeartBreathings (part of Sarra’s brand) 90 because it focuses on planning 90 days (or a quarter of the year) at a time and Bootcamp because it is a three-day intensive course.

Sarra is an amazing author with a fabulous YouTube channel that I was already stalking so I knew the class was going to have great content. What I didn’t know was that her system would have me rethinking how I was managing my business and realigning my tasks to focus only on what would move me in the direction of my goals. Not what everyone told me I should be doing or what I thought was productivity, but turned out not to be progress.

Thinking about an early holiday present for yourself or another writer?

The next round of the HB90 Bootcamp will run from December 14-16th with a Live Kick-Off Call on Thursday, December 13th. You do not have to be present for the kick-off call to participate. It is a three-day intensive course, but you have access to material for much longer than that and can definitely work at your own pace.

The Bootcamp is $149 and it includes a download of the planner! It also includes access to a private Facebook group that has been a great accountability tool for me.

I strongly recommend this course for writers, but it really works for anyone ready to tackle some life-improving goals for 2019.

So, do you have all your shopping done? Pop over my Facebook and let me know! I promise to not candy-cane you in the face.

Before you go, sign up for my News and Reviews! I will be sending out updates in January about the exciting changes coming to Dawn Alexander Book in 2019.