Dawn Alexander

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With a little help from my friends...

Thinking about Thursday

Yes, I know purist appreciate the Beatles version more, but I am 80's kid and this man's voice will forever be linked to the opening of The Wonder Years in my mind.

 This past weekend, I attended the Texas Two Step Conference which was hosted by my RWA chapter. During a workshop on "writer karma",  Candace Havens talked about surrounding yourself with other writers who will "pick you up off the floor" when you need it.

Just a few short years ago, I was a closet writer. A very select few people in my world knew I wrote and none of them were writers. Now, I have an amazing support system.
So, here are some shout outs to the other writers in my life who lift me up and, occasionally, kick me in the butt.

One of my awesome critique partners and Great Expectations Contest Winner~ Genevieve Wilson. 

 The Fabulous Roni Loren and her pretty book, Crash into You. She is giving a workshop on writing sex scenes at DFWCon. I can't wait!

The amazing Lindsay Cummings. This girl is going to be huge. She just announced her sale this week. I am keeping all of the pictures I have of us together so I can say I knew her when. 
Who is going to guest blog for me one day, despite the fact she continually claims to "have nothing to say".

I am blessed and thankful to have these ladies and several more in my life. 

What about you? Do you have a network of people to keep you on track? Do you prefer the sweet, nurturing or the tough love approach? Lucky for me, I have a good mix of both!