Dawn Alexander

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Friday Plot Swap: April Fools Style

Friday Plot Swap

Let's Talk April Fools Pranks!

Dawn's Plot Swap
Have a plot? Leave one
Need a plot ? Take one 
Have you seen a news story that got your wheels turning? 
Do you have a plot in your head that would make a great story, just not one you intend to write?  
Leave it here on Fridays 
pick up a plot for your weekend writing time.
Here is what I have for you this Friday: 
Yesterday I posted about My Dad's idea of an April Fools Joke (which he acted out in July!) 
Here is my favorite prank for today.
  A new way to communicate
The mouse and keyboard were invented before the Internet even existed. Since then, countless technological advancements have allowed for much more efficient human computer interaction. Why then do we continue to use outdated technology? Introducing Gmail Motion -- now you can control Gmail with your body.

So what is your best prank? What is the worst you have experienced? How could it be worked into a plot?